In our life, we don't think about time. Time is one of the most important things in our life, once the time pass, then we can't get that time back. We should use every single second as a golden opportunity, because if we don't use that time properly then we will never get that time back. We can't get passed time back in any method. We don't know what is going to happen in the next minute. We can even die in the next minute, so use the time that you have now, and do the thing that you are going to do tomorrow, now.
Think in this way, you have decided to do your homework or project tomorrow and now you have decided to rest. You rest today and tomorrow you see your parents going on a field trip, and you want to go with them as well. You know that there is homework, but still, you decided to go with your parents. At night you come back from the field trip and you realize that there is homework left to do, but there is no time, you have to get to school tomorrow.
From this small story, the thing that we get to learn is whatever you want to do tomorrow do it today because you have the time right now and don't wait for tomorrow to come and you realize that there is no time.
Time is something that never stops for anyone. If you waste time, then you reduce the time of your life.
Imagine that you're going to die, day after tomorrow and you have today and tomorrow. You have one very important work to be done and that is to give your house to your child, but you think that today I will watch t.v and watch movies with your friends. You also think that tomorrow there will be free time so I will give the house to my child tomorrow. Tomorrow you wake up and your son asks you to take him to the park, and for a full-day, you were playing with your son. Now you don't have time to give the house to your son, because it is a late-night and the papers are not ready yet, and tomorrow you are going to die, you want one day back but you can't get it and you die. All the properties go to charity and your son gets nothing.
Think that you wasted 12 hours of your life watching movies and watching t.v, instead of that you could have got your to work done that day. Also, the most important part is that you can't get the passed time back.
In my own life, there was a time when I wanted to get time back but I couldn't. It was the time when I was in the 6th standard and my teacher told me to go with her for debate, but there was football which was not important. I was just going to watch the match and at the same time I also have to go for a debate, I choose football instead of debate which was not important. Now I want that time back because I want to go for debate, but I can't get it.
Anuj, I loved this post of yours. The way you express yourself is admirable. It makes me wonder how wise and older you really are :-P (in your mind I mean). Thank you for making my day and helping me be a little less scared about the future.